Tuesday, March 25, 2008

One Month To Live – Turbo GroupLink

Okay… You’ve heard Pastor Rob talk about the One Month To Live series that we are starting this weekend… (read about it here)

You’ve felt the buzzzzzz that’s been going around…

You’ve purchased a One Month To Live Interactive Guide – booklet…

You’ve talked about getting together with others for the series… (this is most important by the way)


You haven’t gotten in a One Month To Live group yet…

Here’s you’re chance, for the first week only to take care of that little, really huge part of the series.

I’ll call it (unofficially) you’re one and only opportunity to come to a “no group - group.” Now… don’t go and tell anyone that I called it that. Let’s just say it’s our little secret, okay? A “no group - group.”

This coming Saturday, March 29th at 5pm, down in the Video CafĂ©, then again on Sunday March 30th at 4pm up in the main sanctuary, we are hosting a One Month To Live Turbo GroupLink. We’ll be doing the 1st part of the series called ‘Living The Dash.’ What do you want the “dash” on your gravestone to represent? You know… Birth - Death.

So… bring your One Month To Live Interactive Guide – booklet… or your can still purchase one when you arrive… Bring your spouse, bring your neighbors.

P.S. At the end of the session, you'll have the opportunity to join a group or... from one of your own.

For more information or to let us know that you're planning to attend, contact Geoffrey Janes at gjanes@southbrookchurch.com

Now.... go read Pastor Rob's awesome message called "Well said" here....

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Southbrooks Volunteer Home Run!

At Southbrook Church.... We have the BEST volunteers....period.

They give of themselves relentlessly, with passion, and joy.

Thanks a million!!!

Look for yourself, and see why it's the best place in the Charlotte area to come and know Christ.


Friday, March 21, 2008

The Tent IS Risen !! Prepare

Prepare your hearts for this Sunday's Easter services

at Southbrook Church. Read about it here!

9am & 11am

Monday, March 10, 2008

Interested in church planting???

Pastor Rob Singleton, Founding Pastor of Southbrook Church, of Weddington, North Carolina... has started a new blog site for those who are seeking good, updated, effective methods for planting new churches ore even revitalizing the church you already have to what you want it to be.

It's called "Planting By The Brook." This blog will feature posts from the entire Southbrook team as each of us shares from our experience (the good, the bad, and the ugly) the things the Lord has taught us. Our hope and prayer is that it will be useful to those trying to get their church going and growing!

Here is the web site to help His kingdom grow. http://plantingbythebrook.com/


Saturday, March 1, 2008

Our Saturday Plans

Here is an update on Southbrook's - Monroe - Habitat for Humanity House. It's at the trim and painting stage....

And... Don't forget the Monday morning "Man-Up" get together.