Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Confessions of a “PWB”

James 5:16 says to “Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other…” read the rest here, it’s worth the 30 seconds!

So, here goes…Confessions of a Pastor Wanna Be…remember… don’t tell any one else, that’s gossip.

Confession #1:
I’m a slow learner.

Really? That’s it? You made me hang around for that?
Pssst.. hey Jay, we already knew that.

Ha Ha, beat ya to it, I already knew that you knew.
What you didn’t know, is how I came to know that I’m a slow learner.

1968, 9th grade. I was sent off to Military School in Portsmouth, Virginia. Come on and sing along...” Bad boy, bad boy, whatcha gonna do?” Freshman English…yuck. We HAD to read “Lord of the Flies.” Can we hear another “Yuck!” I got an F on my review paper and totally flunked English. (no kidding?)

I came back home to San Francisco for the summer, smack in the middle of the “Peace movement, and Summer of Love.” My mom MADE ME retake Freshman English in summer school. 1-2-3 “Yuck” . We were given the CHOICE to read 1 of 5 books the teacher held up. “Lord of the Flies” was one of them. “Yuck, but check this out…” By now “Cliff” notes were available and so off I went, flies book in hand, “Cliff” notes too. Did I read the book? No way Jose, just the “cliff” notes. I’m slow, not stupid. I pulled off a C- on my review paper… summer over, back to Virginia and on to the 10th grade. I’m good.

Military school taught me how to study, have self discipline, but most of all they taught me self worth.

So….. why are you confessing this to us? There IS a point. You’re slow Jay. We already know, nothing new here... I know I know.

The point is this; there are some of you who too are slow learners and THAT”S OK! Don’t stop learning. Make a CHOICE. If I can learn, then surely you can. Right now Pastor Rob is blogging on Urban Legends of Southbrook, and my favorite one so far is “Rob just doesn’t go very deep in his sermons.” What I see here is “Failure to Learn.” Read what I’m talking about here… go ahead and make a CHOICE to read it.

Now if that ruffled your feathers, (and I don't mean to) then there is yet another opportunity to hear Rob “go Deep” and it’s FREE. iTunes is FREE and so are the Podcasts from Southbrook. Make a CHOICE, Listen to the October 1st, 2007 message titled “Return Worship Weekend”. The 11 minute teaching just doesn’t get much deeper than this.

Since all the reading and listening will take a while, I’ll give you till tomorrow. My senior year gets even better! We’ll continue later.


Sunday, October 28, 2007

Can you say “Haggai?”

Well… what a fantastic culmination to a 4 week series IGNITE.

A very challenging series.

And a very much needed series.

What was needed??? More talk about money? More talk about tithing? More talk about giving?

Rob said that the book of Haggai gave us the very clue as to what was needed. We were even given a hint as where to find Haggai. “Go to the book of Matthew, turn left, then make 2 more lefts.”

Haggai 1:4 says this “Why are you living in luxurious houses while my house lies in ruins?”

The commentary goes on to talk about it this way… “They neglected the building of God's house, that they might have more time and money for worldly affairs. That the punishment might answer to the sin, the poverty they thought to prevent by not building the temple, God brought upon them for not building it.”

The commentary continues with, “Sin is what we must answer for; duty is what we must do.”

So… What was needed??? Us. Us to come together and be 1 Southbrook heart, 1 South family. How did we do??? Teams, many many Teams working together for 1 cause, to build His house so we can expand His kingdom.

And work together they did! The Worship teams put the stage together, helped with home groups. Staff and First Impressions Teams got together for chairs set up. Another Home group went to get the shuttle vans and return them when all was over. Everyone under the tent came together with the First Impressions team and restacked chairs after service was over. More Teams got together and tore down the stage. The tent was cleared out of all but the chairs with in 2 hours. Over 40 people signed up to demolish and rebuild the new "Monroe Campus.”

That is what was needed. Coming together to build God’s house. Prepare for the future. Look at these pictures.

Thank you for ALL who gave of their time. Part of your reward was seeing 30 people give everything today. They gave their life to Jesus Christ. It was worth it.

1 Vision 1 Church 1 Service 1 Team.

I hope our Heavenly Father is pleased with us today

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Should Christian’s Celebrate Halloween?

This question was asked yesterday amongst theology students. You can imagine the deeeeeep answers.

“”[Warning: bad satire forthcoming]

No! The best way to tell your neighbors about your love for Christ and little children is to make sure that Halloween night your porch light is the only light on your block that is not shinning. This will communicate “Go away! We are too religious to invite you on this night because this particular night belongs to Satan. We are really, really scared of this night. It is very possible that the God who loves us and who’s grace is beyond our comprehension will punish us ever so severely if we give candy to little children thereby endorsing demonology and satanism.”
Or you could be somewhat liberal and leave your porch light on and give out tracts. Sure, you can give them a single Jolly-Rancher with the tract. But if you give away good candy, like full candy bars, the kids on your block will think you are the most generous person on the block.

While this might seem good at first, later in their life they will draw the connection between your rebellious, hypocritical generosity when they were young and your “profession” of Christ now. They will see right through you knowing that if you really loved Christ, you would have either left your porch light off or simply given a Jolly-Rancher with a tract.
Hope this helps you prepare.””

Here now is MY reply…

I’m not sure I agree with you on this one…

Let’s change the event and test it thru God’s love for everyone. “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.”

Thanksgiving for example. Totally a U.S. celebration. Huge meals in our homes. But don’t many many good Christ like churches serve the homeless Thanksgiving meals? Should they NOT give food to the NON US citizens in line? Should we turn the light off on them? Isn’t the light on your porch God’s light reflecting? When did Jesus say “Stay away”?

Back to Halloween… I’ve never let our kids dress up in satanic clothing but cute little princesses? Spiderman? Batman? sure. They want to participate with all their friends. If you tell them “NO, you’re a Christian you can’t participate, you won’t be a good witness” Isn’t it the same as telling a Christian believing teenager they can’t have Mohawks and pierced lips because “you won’t be a good witness”. I watch these “Different” teens reach out to their lost “Different” friends and win them over to Christ because they kept the porch light on for them.

Sure, it’s back to the tolerate tolerance thing, but “Stay away” doesn’t seem very Christ like to me.

Comment back with what you think.


Friday, October 26, 2007

Protect Your Pastor… here’s what I mean

This morning I already posted a blog on Halloween.

A bit later as I was ironing shirts for both Dar and I. I was listening to my Podcast’s like I mentioned a few weeks ago. This particular podcast was from NewSpring Church.

Clayton King was speaking there as he also does here at Southbrook as an Itinerant Teaching Pastor, click on his name at the bottom. He was delivering eye-opening message on protecting your pastor and the distinct challenges pastors face everyday.

This message made my heart stir so much, I decided to pull down my Halloween post and put this one immediately. Why? Because it’s important to let Pastor Rob know “I’ve got your back.” Rob knows this, I tell him all the time and I mean it. I’m just claiming it publicly with tenacity.

What should you do?

First of all, download this message from iTunes. (iPod NOT required) NewSpring Church (Perry Noble).
It is listed as “Game time – Protecting your pastor” 10/14/07




Listen… If you too have Rob’s back…. Proclaim it here via a comment.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Battle of the Bands

This Saturday, October 27th at The Passage at Central Church of God. 5301 Sardis Rd Charlotte, NC 28270. Doors open at 5pm, competition begins at 5:45 ends at 9:15. Tickets are $8 at the door, $6 in advance.

The band is Sara Scott, Kati Scott, Andy Cherry, Ryan York, Trenton Starnes and Joey Signa. Otherwise known as Return Worship Band From Southbrook. Audience vote matters quite a bit, so the more people there to support the band the better. You can purchase extra votes, too. The cafe will be open downstairs with your basic fast food type of stuff and there will be giveaways throughout the night.

Sara submitted the song "Your Love Does No Wrong" on the Return CD and won a slot in this Saturday’s event.

It's gonna be awesome!!!!! Return's website is listed on my blog roll to the left.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Follow, follow, follow, follow,

There I was, right in the middle of San Francisco, staring at Grace Cathedral. Now this is a BIG, old (1849), stately church building. Climbing up the steps to the entrance made me feel like an out of shape Rocky. (ya really gotta wanna go to church here…or be in better shape).

It’s an Episcopal church. Now here’s their statement, “Courageously embraces innovation and ‘open-minded’ conversation…where beliefs are put into action…” next statement says… “The cathedral performs services blessing same-sex unions.”

We're off to see the Wizard, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.”

Just like Pastor Rob said in this recient blog…. “I’m not surprised. In a politically correct, tolerant, anti-Christian, truth is relative kind of climate,”

Now take a moment and look at the picture below.

This is the labyrinth outside in the courtyard at Grace cathedral. It’s fun, cool, like a game, very soooooothing for meditation, very frustrating for someone looking for the answer and not even knowing where to start. So what do the lookers do, the un-labyrinthed, the lost do???

Follow, follow, follow, follow,


Becoz, becoz, becoz, becoz, becoz……

Interesting? I thought so.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

An Amazing Weekend !

This undoubtedly was a GREAT weekend.

Friday night was Sushi with wonderful friends from Southbrook. Real Japanese food right here in North Carolina. Home made Sushi, real gooey, squishy, sticky Japanese deserts. Funny life stories were shared by everyone.

On Saturday I spent some time with a great couple whose lives are
totally IGNITED and melted in God’s Word, who are pursuing Christ over comfort ....Dean and Chris Hogan. They are a true gift to all of us! Thank you for all your family does!

Saturday night… Pastor Rob hit us with a “Pop Quiz”.

Now don’t go saying that I haven’t warned you. Remember? “God WILL test you”

I just didn’t think it would be this early in life.
Big ouch if you’re not prepared and practiced.

Here’s is “Pop Quiz” question #1 …
“What are doing with what God has given you?”

Pssssstt…. Rob told me where the answer can be found….
Read it here in Luke 19:26 then come back.

Did ya get it? This is how Rob put the answer… “Those who do nothing will be cursed.”

Now here’s is “Pop Quiz” question #2 …
“Do you trust God unreservedly?"

The answer? Only YOU hold that in our heart. Are you putting God 1st in ALL of you life? Or - Why are you giving God the leftovers?

Worship leader
Andy Cherry who is going to be the Worship Pastor for our Monroe campus this weekend said “I love the song ‘How great is our God, but have you thought about making it a question? How great IS our God?” Wow. Thanks Andy!

God answered that question tonight at sunset.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The “5 W’s”… Last installment

When I started this series,

I said that Our Father in heaven gives homework each and every week, just like when your teachers did, because He is our teacher. He gives us an opportunity to listen to Him and His Word every week, every day, any hour.

“The 5 W’s” are a way to prepare your answers so you can get a good grade.

You WILL be tested!!! It won’t be time for more questions. Study period is over. The lab’s are closed. No more late assignments accepted. Done.

You won’t e able to say… ”Hey God, Campaigns are stupid. Will we be doing any of those up here?” Or “hey God, Aren’t we fine the way we are up here, at the size we are, you know just You and ME bro, you know…private time with You? WHY is everything always about bigger, more, etc? You’re too into numbers God and anyway I need a really perfect seat up here. You know WHY God, because I really deserve it, You know all I’ve done.”

Southbrook is at it’s max capacity. The reason is because it is one of the best places to get to know God and learn how to have a relationship with Him in the Charlotte area.

Rob said this recently about capacity, ““Our space capacity is directly influenced by our faith capacity!” read it here…

It’s just like the San Francisco Cable Cars,

They are overflowing, full to capacity and even the kids can’t fit inside.

WHY wouldn’t you want everyone to be able to have an opportunity to ride?

This is what capitol campaigns are for. So everyone can have a seat thru the uphill’s and the downhill’s of life along their travel’s. The “regular” riders need not hog the seats and should let the folks who don’t have a ride have an opportunity to come along.

It doesn’t matter which church you go to… They will be starting a campaign there too. You can run but you can’t hide. God IS WINNING, are you going to help Him? It’s time for you to grow.

I’ll close with this thought.

WHO are you listening to?

WHAT are you hearing from God?

WHEN are you listening to Him?

WHERE do you listen to God speak to you?

WHY wouldn’t you want everyone to be able to have an opportunity to ride? Right here, right now at Southbrook.

You WILL be tested.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Thoughts about this week…

This was an awesome week to be alive.

It was our 20th wedding anniversary!! What a

blessing to be married to Darlene!!! It just

proves that you must be careful in what you pray

for, He will give it to you! Amen

Tuesday night I made her dinner at home for the 2

of us. Fillet of Dover Sole, cooked in a butter/garlic/

white wine sauce, topped with capers, then “BAM”

a good dash of fresh ground pepper.

Served by candle light. OOOhhh, she’s worth it.

Thursday I had lunch at the beach just north of Half

Moon Bay, near San Francisco. With my all time best

friend Dany and his dad George.

We ate at Nicks’- Rockaway Beach THE BEST Crab


Friday night, I took Dar out to a special Anniversary

Dinner in Uptown Charlotte at The Capitol Grill…

Amazing service, ambiance, plus my beautiful gift from

God, my wife. Answered prayers!!

Finally I got my butt IGNITED by Jesus (pronounced

Hey-seus) from Columbia.

He spoke this weekend at Southbrook Church.

He gave his life to God and God IGNITED a fire in his

heart. I spoke with him after Saturday night service and

he told me to read Psalms 42:1

Go ahead, read for yourself and feel the heat.

Thanks Rob for having him come and share with us. WOW.

Friday, October 12, 2007

“One Vision”

“One Vision”
 That’s what Pastor Rob is calling his leadership video.  
You need to watch this. Pray over the message.
Whether you come to Southbrook regularly, or just enjoy 
the web presence of Rob’s message via podcast…
WATCH THE VIDEO.   Click on the words below…
Then come on back and finish reading.
Welcome back!  WOW, what an awesome opportunity for
all of us!.

All of you can participate with your “Over and above”
contributions.  After all… It’s for the kingdom, not
I pray that your heart is on fire for God.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

WHERE Jesus had told them to go

The “5 W’s” continue… a bit out of order...
I’ve got a question. 
WHERE are you going?   Are you going in the direction God is
asking you to? Or are you going WHERE you w
ant to go?
I have to admit (and I usually will) that for the 1st 50 years of my life (I’m 54 now)
I was headed in a direction that … get this please… I thought was good.
I mean hey, I have a very beautiful, loving wife (we just celebrated 20 years of
marriage and I love her more than I ever ha
2 awesome girls 18 & 16. A lovely home near Southbrook.
A job that takes me all over the US,Caribbean and Latin America.
Funny thing is… It didn’t mean squat because I was sooooo afraid of dying
and poof…nothing.
Listen to me please…. You only get to live on this ball of mud for
a few years.
WHERE are you going next?   Stop.  Really STOP. Think for a moment,
Can you guarantee that you are going to heaven for eternity? Can you prove
it enough if you needed evidence? (Remember the test???)
And while you are on your way to WHERE you are going…
who are you following. Who’s 1st in you life?
Are you rubbing the magic genie bottle of Mebez for good luck?
Read about it here.
Check the answer that the person in the car in front of me had yesterday.
They’re proud of it to boot…
Here is WHERE the disciples went.  Read here… 
Is WHERE you are going WHERE you want to end up?

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

“Time of the Season”

We've talked about WHO and

? Time flash. This song was recorded in August of 1967
at Abbey Road Studios, London England.
Got it figured out yet? You bet, The Zombies.
Take a listen…I’ll be here WHEN you come on back…

See… Told you I’d be here… Wasn’t that awesome?
To take you in the sun to promised lands”  
This is the point that Rob has been hitting home, see here.  
Getting your focus and heart prepared for your arrival
into eternity.
do you need to start focusing? And how often?
For how long?
Here might be a few suggestions.
WHEN you first wake up is a great time to start
by thanking God in prayer for the privilege of
waking to His glory.
WHEN you drive to work is a great time to
listen to God on a iPod or MP3 or CD player.
WHEN you take your daily run or walk
(depending on the age of your knees…)
WHEN you’re at lunch.
WHEN you're on your way home from a full
day at work,school or kid’s play.
WHEN you really don’t want to.

"Has he taken…
Any time… 
To show you what you need to live…"

Remember, you are being tested, daily.
So WHEN are you taking the time to listen?  
Go ahead, re-listen to the song…it’s worth it!
“It's the time of the season for loving”
  This is WHERE I’ll be… in a few days. 

Sunday, October 7, 2007

What's aahhpppp?

Where was I? Oh yea... Now I remember… “The 5 W’s” and What’s next?

Are you really trying to get a good grade on your up coming test? No, I don’t have any clairvoyance about your date and time. Remember “The Lyon King” movie? There was a great verse in a song, “Be Prepared.”

So, I’ll ask you…WHAT are you listening to? The nightly news? “Ace and T.J.?” Gary and Leslie on 91.9? NPR’s Karl Castle? Al and Stacey on WBT AM-FM?…. The list can go on and on and on…

Are you taking the time to listen to God? I mean REALLY listen to His Word. Listening for discernment, understanding, guidance, answers, direction?

Are you listening to God speak to you THRU Pastor Rob? Are you hearing God’s love for you and what He wants for your life? How He wants your purpose to be fulfilled in Him.

I know that it is very difficult to listen to God AND listen to the world at the same time.

That is why I need to focus really hard. Concentrate on His every spoken word. Press rewind and re-listen again and again till I have a better understanding.

One thing for sure that I’m hearing VERY CLEARLY is that Southbrook is over flowing with people (praise God for answered prayers).

God is really excited about our reaching out and touching lives and giving them a place to worship Him.

I mean just look at this photo and see how full we were today. Standing room only (big Amen).

We had 22 awesome First Impression folks SERVING today from 7:45am till 1pm. Just look at their smiling faces. Yes!!! I am a “Proud Papa” of our teams of green.

So again I’ll ask you…WHAT are you listening to? Remember… You WILL be tested on this!

The world’s information for you now?


God’s information for you and eternity? Just an i-Tunes away.

WHEN I’m back, we’ll continue.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

What’s on your list of “The 5 W’s?”

Over the next week or so I’m going to pose to you a few questions, and I WANT COMMENTS!

I’m sure you remember from grade school; “The 5 W’s”

Who What When Where Why

We always had to answer our homework questions using this format in order to be complete & thorough. And, if we didn’t good have answers…you got a lousy grade, and your father was going to find out. Not good.

Things haven’t changed much since we’ve gotten out of school. Teachers still give out homework, they expect you to complete all of it and turn it in on time. Or you’ll get a lousy grade, and your father WILL find out. Not good.

So… why then am I talking about your kids in school? I’m not. (huh?) I’m talking about YOU, ME, US.

Our Father in heaven gives homework each and every week, just like when your teachers did, because He is our teacher. He gives us an opportunity to listen to Him and His Word every week, every day, any hour. “The 5 W’s” are a way to prepare your answers so you can get a good grade. You WILL be tested. Don’t cram, yet don’t be a slacker either.

Who are you listening to? Don’t forget… I WANT YOUR COMMENTS!

At Southbrook we have a 2 + 1 format. Attend 1 service a week (minimum), Serve once a month (minimum), plus attend a small group once a month (minimum).

I also listen to God 4 times extra week in week. Why? So that I can stay focused on His lessons for me. Not the world’s lessons. This is where i-Tunes comes into play. It’s FREE ( big Amen here) and you DO NOT need an I-Pod to listen to it.

Here is my list of Who I automatically download and listen to every week;

Pastor Rob Singleton – Why? Because it just plain doesn’t get any better, any more relevant (buzz) . Period.

Pastor Perry Noble – Why? Just like Rob…He’ on fire for God in an amazing way. Ask Rob, he’ll tell ya.

Pastor Jud Wilhite – Why? His message is about celebrating life out in Las Vegas, thru “Celebrate Recovery”. Every one is recovering from something? Aren’t you?

Pastor Andy Stanley – Why? I just happen to love his voice and his message.

Who are you listening to? Don’t forget… I WANT YOUR COMMENTS!

What’s next… stay tuned

Friday, October 5, 2007

I listened... I cried, I cried out !

Today I learned of a man in Clarksville, Tenn. Who shot and killed himself right in front of the City Council meeting. (Read about it here if you want to.)

Does it really have to end in this?

Is this the direction our nation is heading?

What’s missing in our lives that suicide is the solution?

I’m not sure why I’m even writing about this… except that it touched my heart, my soul. It has caused me to pray for the hurting, the devastated, the confused folks out there who don’t know where to turn in the time of real need.

What does God have to say about this?

Lets take a look at his “Survivor Guide” and see if He gives us any clues as to how He is providing us with comfort and assurance of His care? Matthew 11:28 says; “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” In Philippians 4:11 God tells us thru Paul that “for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” And continues saying “whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”

Jason Austin, writer of the local Clarksville paper said “Ronald "Bo" Ward was much more than a barber. Those who knew him said he was a patriot who focused his life on service to others, especially Fort Campbell soldiers.”

I think I have the connection and why this so touches my heart.

Not enough people have a deep relationship with Jesus. Many don’t even know who He really is and what He can do in their lives. So they give up fighting when “The going gets tough” This is why the IGNITE series is so so important. It’s all about creating a place BIG ENOUGH so the “Bo” Ward’s of the Charlotte area can have a refuge from hurts, their devastations, their needs.

Isaiah 41:10, states: "Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

We’ll see you there.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

From E-Mail to Knee-Mail…

I missed Wednesday night services tonight because I’m in San Francisco.

I received an email from an angel with an URGENT prayer request. Read it for your self…

Hi Everybody,

Tonight's news from Pastor Geoffrey Janes puts us on alert to please begin praying for Cecil and Karen Deese. They are faithful servants of the LORD and part of our family here at Southbrook. Cecil had his heart transplant surgery on Monday! The heart did not respond as it should have. The doctors are planning to disconnect the pump in the morning (Thursday) between 6:00-6:30 am. ~ GOD willing it will begin working properly. Plan B or C is to bridge the heart pump ? and put him back on the transplant list for another heart.

We know Cecil and Karen are safe and protected in our LORD's arms, so let's give God the glory and pray for HIS presence and peace to fill them with comfort.

Leaning On HIM,

Key DeLamater

PLEASE stop what you are doing, get on your knees and pass this e-mail message on to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ almighty healer of the universe.

In His loving service, Jay


Monday, October 1, 2007

The “carrying capacity” of a body

Generally it is the supportable population of an organism, i.e the body. Carrying capacity is thus the number of individuals an environment can support without significant negative impacts to the given organism and its environment. Thank you Wikipedia.

Do you remember the song “If we are the body.” By Casting Crowns? Pause…. Now I’ve got it running thru your head… “Why aren't His arms reaching,
Why aren't His hands healing” Oh boy, sing along with Mitch time… (yes I am 54 years old)

Read 1 Corinthians 12:27 here. It says that WE are the body of Christ. And WE are to gather together as the body of Christ. Apostle Paul writes a letter to the people of Colossae while in a Roman prison saying that Christ in you is the hope of glory. Read it here. Which he states that “for the sake of his body, which is the church.” Read that here.

So… putting this together, WE are the body of Christ, which makes us the church, and since thru Christ we have hope and glory… (ok, now the drum roll please…) why would you or me or WE be selfish and not want others to fit in to our buildings whether it's the main campus in Weddington or in Monroe or Ft. Mill and get to know Him and His glory in their lives for eternity like we do?

This is what the upcoming IGNITE! series is all about. click here to see what I'm talking about... Making room at Southbrook Church for others. Just like the people before us did for you and I.

How awesome can it get!!!