This question was asked yesterday amongst theology students. You can imagine the deeeeeep answers.
“”[Warning: bad satire forthcoming]
No! The best way to tell your neighbors about your love for Christ and little children is to make sure that Halloween night your porch light is the only light on your block that is not shinning. This will communicate “Go away! We are too religious to invite you on this night because this particular night belongs to Satan. We are really, really scared of this night. It is very possible that the God who loves us and who’s grace is beyond our comprehension will punish us ever so severely if we give candy to little children thereby endorsing demonology and satanism.”
Or you could be somewhat liberal and leave your porch light on and give out tracts. Sure, you can give them a single Jolly-Rancher with the tract. But if you give away good candy, like full candy bars, the kids on your block will think you are the most generous person on the block.
While this might seem good at first, later in their life they will draw the connection between your rebellious, hypocritical generosity when they were young and your “profession” of Christ now. They will see right through you knowing that if you really loved Christ, you would have either left your porch light off or simply given a Jolly-Rancher with a tract.
Hope this helps you prepare.””
Hope this helps you prepare.””
Here now is MY reply…
I’m not sure I agree with you on this one…
Let’s change the event and test it thru God’s love for everyone. “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.”
Back to Halloween… I’ve never let our kids dress up in satanic clothing but cute little princesses? Spiderman? Batman? sure. They want to participate with all their friends. If you tell them “NO, you’re a Christian you can’t participate, you won’t be a good witness” Isn’t it the same as telling a Christian believing teenager they can’t have Mohawks and pierced lips because “you won’t be a good witness”. I watch these “Different” teens reach out to their lost “Different” friends and win them over to Christ because they kept the porch light on for them.
Sure, it’s back to the tolerate tolerance thing, but “Stay away” doesn’t seem very Christ like to me.
Comment back with what you think.
