We've talked about WHO and WHAT.....now
WHEN? Time flash. This song was recorded in August of 1967
at Abbey Road Studios, London England.
Got it figured out yet? You bet, The Zombies.
Take a listen…I’ll be here WHEN you come on back…
See… Told you I’d be here… Wasn’t that awesome?
“To take you in the sun to promised lands”
This is the point that Rob has been hitting home, see here.
Getting your focus and heart prepared for your arrival
into eternity.
WHEN do you need to start focusing? And how often?
For how long?
Here might be a few suggestions.
WHEN you first wake up is a great time to start
by thanking God in prayer for the privilege of
waking to His glory.
WHEN you drive to work is a great time to
listen to God on a iPod or MP3 or CD player.
WHEN you take your daily run or walk
(depending on the age of your knees…)
WHEN you’re at lunch.
WHEN you're on your way home from a full
day at work,school or kid’s play.
WHEN you really don’t want to.
"Has he taken…
Any time…
To show you what you need to live…"
Remember, you are being tested, daily.
So WHEN are you taking the time to listen?
Go ahead, re-listen to the song…it’s worth it!
“It's the time of the season for loving”
This is WHERE I’ll be… in a few days.