So, here goes…Confessions of a Pastor Wanna Be…remember… don’t tell any one else, that’s gossip.
Confession #1:
I’m a slow learner.
Really? That’s it? You made me hang around for that?
Pssst.. hey Jay, we already knew that.
Ha Ha, beat ya to it, I already knew that you knew.
What you didn’t know, is how I came to know that I’m a slow learner.
1968, 9th grade. I was sent off to Military School in Portsmouth, Virginia. Come on and sing along...” Bad boy, bad boy, whatcha gonna do?” Freshman English…yuck. We HAD to read “Lord of the Flies.” Can we hear another “Yuck!” I got an F on my review paper and totally flunked English. (no kidding?)
I came back home to San Francisco for the summer, smack in the middle of the “Peace movement, and Summer of Love.” My mom MADE ME retake Freshman English in summer school. 1-2-3 “Yuck” . We were given the CHOICE to read 1 of 5 books the teacher held up. “Lord of the Flies” was one of them. “Yuck, but check this out…”

Military school taught me how to study, have self discipline, but most of all they taught me self worth.
So….. why are you confessing this to us? There IS a point. You’re slow Jay. We already know, nothing new here... I know I know.
The point is this; there are some of you who too are slow learners and THAT”S OK! Don’t stop learning. Make a CHOICE. If I can learn, then surely you can. Right now Pastor Rob is blogging on Urban Legends of Southbrook, and my favorite one so far is “Rob just doesn’t go very deep in his sermons.” What I see here is “Failure to Learn.” Read what I’m talking about here… go ahead and make a CHOICE to read it.
Now if that ruffled your feathers, (and I don't mean to) then there is yet another opportunity to hear Rob “go Deep” and it’s FREE. iTunes is FREE and so are the Podcasts from Southbrook. Make a CHOICE, Listen to the October 1st, 2007 message titled “Return Worship Weekend”. The 11 minute teaching just doesn’t get much deeper than this.
Since all the reading and listening will take a while, I’ll give you till tomorrow. My senior year gets even better! We’ll continue later.