Friday night was Sushi with wonderful friends from Southbrook. Real Japanese food right here in North Carolina. Home made Sushi, real gooey, squishy, sticky Japanese deserts. Funny life stories were shared by everyone.
On Saturday I spent some time with a great couple whose lives are totally IGNITED and melted in God’s Word, who are pursuing Christ over comfort ....Dean and Chris Hogan. They are a true gift to all of us! Thank you for all your family does!
Saturday night… Pastor Rob hit us with a “Pop Quiz”.
Now don’t go saying that I haven’t warned you. Remember? “God WILL test you”
I just didn’t think it would be this early in life. Big ouch if you’re not prepared and practiced.
Here’s is “Pop Quiz” question #1 … “What are doing with what God has given you?”
Pssssstt…. Rob told me where the answer can be found…. Read it here in Luke 19:26 then come back.
Did ya get it? This is how Rob put the answer… “Those who do nothing will be cursed.”
Now here’s is “Pop Quiz” question #2 … “Do you trust God unreservedly?"
The answer? Only YOU hold that in our heart. Are you putting God 1st in ALL of you life? Or - Why are you giving God the leftovers?
Worship leader Andy Cherry who is going to be the Worship Pastor for our Monroe campus this weekend said “I love the song ‘How great is our God, but have you thought about making it a question? How great IS our God?” Wow. Thanks Andy!

God answered that question tonight at sunset.