The “5 W’s” continue… a bit out of order...
I’ve got a question.
WHERE are you going? Are you going in the direction God is
asking you to? Or are you going WHERE you want to go?
I have to admit (and I usually will) that for the 1st 50 years of my life (I’m 54 now)
I was headed in a direction that … get this please… I thought was good.
I mean hey, I have a very beautiful, loving wife (we just celebrated 20 years of
marriage and I love her more than I ever have).
2 awesome girls 18 & 16. A lovely home near Southbrook.
A job that takes me all over the US,Caribbean and Latin America.
Funny thing is… It didn’t mean squat because I was sooooo afraid of dying
and poof…nothing.
Listen to me please…. You only get to live on this ball of mud for
a few years.
WHERE are you going next? Stop. Really STOP. Think for a moment,
Can you guarantee that you are going to heaven for eternity? Can you prove
it enough if you needed evidence? (Remember the test???)
And while you are on your way to WHERE you are going…
who are you following. Who’s 1st in you life?
Are you rubbing the magic genie bottle of Mebez for good luck?
Read about it here.
Check the answer that the person in the car in front of me had yesterday.

They’re proud of it to boot…
Here is WHERE the disciples went. Read here…
Is WHERE you are going WHERE you want to end up?