Saturday, October 6, 2007

What’s on your list of “The 5 W’s?”

Over the next week or so I’m going to pose to you a few questions, and I WANT COMMENTS!

I’m sure you remember from grade school; “The 5 W’s”

Who What When Where Why

We always had to answer our homework questions using this format in order to be complete & thorough. And, if we didn’t good have answers…you got a lousy grade, and your father was going to find out. Not good.

Things haven’t changed much since we’ve gotten out of school. Teachers still give out homework, they expect you to complete all of it and turn it in on time. Or you’ll get a lousy grade, and your father WILL find out. Not good.

So… why then am I talking about your kids in school? I’m not. (huh?) I’m talking about YOU, ME, US.

Our Father in heaven gives homework each and every week, just like when your teachers did, because He is our teacher. He gives us an opportunity to listen to Him and His Word every week, every day, any hour. “The 5 W’s” are a way to prepare your answers so you can get a good grade. You WILL be tested. Don’t cram, yet don’t be a slacker either.

Who are you listening to? Don’t forget… I WANT YOUR COMMENTS!

At Southbrook we have a 2 + 1 format. Attend 1 service a week (minimum), Serve once a month (minimum), plus attend a small group once a month (minimum).

I also listen to God 4 times extra week in week. Why? So that I can stay focused on His lessons for me. Not the world’s lessons. This is where i-Tunes comes into play. It’s FREE ( big Amen here) and you DO NOT need an I-Pod to listen to it.

Here is my list of Who I automatically download and listen to every week;

Pastor Rob Singleton – Why? Because it just plain doesn’t get any better, any more relevant (buzz) . Period.

Pastor Perry Noble – Why? Just like Rob…He’ on fire for God in an amazing way. Ask Rob, he’ll tell ya.

Pastor Jud Wilhite – Why? His message is about celebrating life out in Las Vegas, thru “Celebrate Recovery”. Every one is recovering from something? Aren’t you?

Pastor Andy Stanley – Why? I just happen to love his voice and his message.

Who are you listening to? Don’t forget… I WANT YOUR COMMENTS!

What’s next… stay tuned