Do you remember the song “If we are the body.” By Casting Crowns? Pause…. Now I’ve got it running thru your head… “Why aren't His arms reaching,
Why aren't His hands healing” Oh boy, sing along with Mitch time… (yes I am 54 years old)
Read 1 Corinthians 12:27 here. It says that WE are the body of Christ. And WE are to gather together as the body of Christ. Apostle Paul writes a letter to the people of Colossae while in a Roman prison saying that Christ in you is the hope of glory. Read it here. Which he states that “for the sake of his body, which is the church.” Read that here.
So… putting this together, WE are the body of Christ, which makes us the church, and since thru Christ we have hope and glory… (ok, now the drum roll please…) why would you or me or WE be selfish and not want others to fit in to our buildings whether it's the main campus in Weddington or in Monroe or Ft. Mill and get to know Him and His glory in their lives for eternity like we do?
This is what the upcoming IGNITE! series is all about. click here to see what I'm talking about... Making room at Southbrook Church for others. Just like the people before us did for you and I.
How awesome can it get!!!