Well… what a fantastic culmination to a 4 week series IGNITE.
A very challenging series.
And a very much needed series.
What was needed??? More talk about money? More talk about tithing? More talk about giving?
A very challenging series.
And a very much needed series.
What was needed??? More talk about money? More talk about tithing? More talk about giving?
Rob said that the book of Haggai gave us the very clue as to what was needed. We were even given a hint as where to find Haggai. “Go to the book of Matthew, turn left, then make 2 more lefts.”
Haggai 1:4 says this “Why are you living in luxurious houses while my house lies in ruins?”
The commentary goes on to talk about it this way… “They neglected the building of God's house, that they might have more time and money for worldly affairs. That the punishment might answer to the sin, the poverty they thought to prevent by not building the temple, God brought upon them for not building it.”
The commentary continues with, “Sin is what we must answer for; duty is what we must do.”
So… What was needed??? Us. Us to come together and be 1 Southbrook heart, 1 South family. How did we do??? Teams, many many Teams working together for 1 cause, to build His house so we can expand His kingdom.
And work together they did! The Worship teams put the stage together, helped with home groups. Staff and First Impressions Teams got together for chairs set up. Another Home group went to get the shuttle vans and return them when all was over. Everyone under the tent came together with the First Impressions team and restacked chairs after service was over. More Teams got together and tore down the stage. The tent was cleared out of all but the chairs with in 2 hours. Over 40 people signed up to demolish and rebuild the new "Monroe Campus.”
That is what was needed. Coming together to build God’s house. Prepare for the future. Look at these pictures.
Thank you for ALL who gave of their time. Part of your reward was seeing 30 people give everything today. They gave their life to Jesus Christ. It was worth it.

1 Vision 1 Church 1 Service 1 Team.
I hope our Heavenly Father is pleased with us today
I hope our Heavenly Father is pleased with us today