Thursday, November 1, 2007

Confessions of a “PWB” Part 2

This confessing stuff is fun. Kind of like taking my weekly bath whether I like it or not, it’s good for me and every one around me. Let's hear an "Amen" to that one.

Now, fast forward to 1971, my senior year and I’m back in San Francisco and back in public school. (yea… no more oh -6-15 marching!) Senior English and I just want this over with. Can it get any worse? We have to read ANY book we CHOOSE, then do a 2 page review for a final grade, twooooo pages? You’re killing me! worth 50% of our year…ouch. Now let me see… what book did I choose? “The Fountainhead?”, “Of Mice and Men”, “Beowulf?” nope… Get this… “Lord of the Flies.” No way you idiot, Jay you’re a glutton for punishment.” Folks, watch this, watch this…. The MOVIE was now out in theatres. (proof that God loves me!) Did I read the book? Yea, right, I already told you I’m slow, NOT stupid. Now I’m pointed in the right direction, "full speed ahead." Yep! You figured it out, I managed an A on my paper. Confetti falling from the ceiling, balloons releasing from big overhead arches, the band playing “Glory, Glory Hallelujah” I am teachable!

Aren’t you??? I’m sure you are. On the Podcast you listened to last night (you did CHOOSE to listen didn’t you?) Pastor Rob talked about Our Purpose here at Southbrook …read it here… the 5 G’s , Glorify, Give, Go, Grow, Gather.

Grow is what this is all about. “If you not growing, you’re dying.” This is where YOU get to CHOOSE. And trust me, NOT CHOOSING is choosing… to die. So, belly up to the spiritual buffet, and eat all you can, save room for desert.

Clayton King wrote to us here that we must be careful about what we eat. You do not want to become the “Feed me Fat Man”, but it is your responsibility to CHOOSE to “eat” God’s Word on your own. mangiare.”

Confession #2;

I absolutely love my wife Dar more that anyone else on the planet…period. She is amazing. She makes me tingle. She makes me laugh. She makes me understand God’s grace. She was the single most (non-pushy) influence in helping me CHOOSE Jesus. (more proof that God loves me!)

By the way… My good friend Mark C. ( I’ll leave it at C because it’s easier to spell) has this to say about “Spiritual food.” Fantastica Marco!