Imagine with me; Cool clear night, the fire is crackling out on the back deck in the fire pit, each chair has a blanket, you’ve invited some friends over for hot chocolate and conversation. Everyone’s cheerful, mingling, and laughing.
Are ya getting the picture, can ya smell the fire, hear the chatter?
Fall is an awesome time of year for gathering and sharing. Doing community. Talking about our lives being lifted by Jesus.
Usually, I like to start the group conversation with an “Ice Breaker.” And one of my favorite ice breakers is simply “What are a few of your favorite things?” It’s a great subject because there is no wrong answer, so everyone’s comfortable.
-Helping others
-The God Father movies (protecting the family)
-Cooking (mostly I like the prep work)
-Star Wars movies (evil only wins if you let it)
-Reading Rob’s blog (no kidding)
Why would I mention Rob’s blog? Because God’s kingdom is important to me, and just like sitting around the fire and learning about others and growing in Christ together is important to us, so is getting the word out about Rob’s blog so others can hear about God’s kingdom and how important it is to Rob. He has about 1000 readers a day and that’s WAY TOO FEW.
So, what can you do? Glad you asked! Make Rob’s blog one of your favorites with Technorati by following these few steps;
1. Log on to Technorati here
2. If you don’t have an account create one (It’s free and no spam)
3. Click on the Favorites tab at the top of the page
4. Add a Favorite URL
5. Click Add.
Or....Just click on the "Add this blog to my Technorati Favorites" button just below the Singleton family picture.
That’s it…..simple. It’s not for Rob…. It’s for God’s kingdom.