I know that some of you wonder, “What is it that happens at
Southbrook, and what can you compare it to in life.”

I’ll answer this with excitement, envisioning a small child looking at a huge, very old carousel with the big horses, zebras and various animals going up and down, while rows of seats are not moving at all. Onlookers only watching. Yet the carousel keeps turning to the music. It’s original design and colors have not changed since it was designed and created long, long ago. The onlookers continue to stare at it, talk about it, try to figure the patterns, the reasoning behind the design, yet it doesn’t change or even stop except to let people on or off (their choice) All along the music continues... The carousel only changes when people scratch their own thoughts into the back of the seats or on the painted surfaces of the animals.
Isn’t it funny how only those who choose to get on the ride have an opportunity to reach for the golden ring. (The free gift of eternity).
Friends, Guests, Members, God has brought you into a very special house of His called Southbrook, where a man of God like
Pastor Rob has been anointed with His divine vision and an uncanny ability to hear The Holy Spirit, and it speaks thru him.