Monday, December 31, 2007
2008 – Who will you become?
Here we are, 1900+ years later.
What’s changed?
Who are you?
What or who will you become in 2008?
I think you’ll find the letter to Titus very interesting. Look just after 2Timothy and before Hebrews. It’s only 2 and ½ pages long. 1207 words. 3 chapters. Had I turned a college paper in of this size, I would have undoubtedly gotten a big fat “F” with “Where’s the rest?” written on it! Probably proves once again that I’m NOT Apostle material. Go figure…
To me, Chapter 3 really puts the rubber to the road. (Sandals have tire treads on them you know…) It’s called “Doing What Is Good” Here are a few ways to become “Good” in 2008, not according to me but according to God’s Word.
** “They must not slander anyone and must avoid quarreling. Instead, they should be gentle and show true humility to everyone.”
** “Do not get involved in foolish discussions about spiritual pedigrees or in quarrels and fights about obedience to Jewish laws. These things are useless and a waste of time..” In other words….don’t sweat the small stuff. (my input...)
** “When God our Savior revealed his kindness and love, he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit.”
Chapter 2 also has a most important message for us as we begin yet another year…
** “And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of every kind. Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriousness of your teaching. Teach the truth so that your teaching can’t be criticized. Then those who oppose us will be ashamed and have nothing bad to say about us.”
Happy New Year. Become excellent at “Doing What Is Good” in 2008
Paul finished his letter with “May God’s grace be with you all.”
1 more thing....... read Rob's blog daily.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
...and goodnight !
over joyed,
my smile is stuck in greeting mode !
175 new believers this week!!! (click here)
To all the First Impressions Team volunteers at Southbrook...
"Ya'll rock"
Merry CHRISTmas
Friday, December 21, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
The S factor concludes for eternity.
We last saw Santa flat out on his kiester. Out of luck, out of wisdom, and in great need of grace.
Every one this time of year is hitting the stores Shopping for Stuff. Looking to find the best present which gives “The biggest bank for the buck.” Trying to do the most good because the “Payoff” is hopefully gonna last till next year.
Is there real everlasting Salvation with this Santa?
Do we give to give? Do we give to get? Proverbs 11:24-25 says “by watering others, he waters himself.” If we’re not careful with how we view this Salvation thing, we could end up raising our hands in agreement with Satin, read more about this nasty opportunity here at my really good friend Pastor Rob’s blog.
Salvation. Where does it come from.
First of all, let me be perfectly clear, It does NOT come from doing good works alone.
Notice I did not say good works. I said good works alone. Give give give, help help help till the cows come home. Amen. But that will NOT bring you eternal Salvation. PERIOD
John 3:3 say “In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the
Even Santa understands this. Read Romans 14:11
“It is written 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me, every tongue will confess to God.'”
Salvation only comes from asking Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior. By Simply telling Him that you have Slipped in err, and want Him to Save you from eternal hell.
So here’s the bad news…It’s YOUR choice…
Here’s the GOOD news…It’s YOUR choice. Not to choose is to choose bad news.
THIS is the REAL S factor.
If you want to know more, or have questions, comment back.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
The "S" factor, Part III
Not only have I seen him "On the street" as we saw a few days ago, but a good friend of mine (who'll we'll keep anonymous) saw him at a kereoke bar belting out songs about a red nosed "dear" friend of his.
I'm thinking that it's really John Belushi in a Santa disguise...
There should be a bounty on these guys for impersonating the real Santa. Especially ones who don't even shell out the $37.82 rental fee for the red suit and fake beard. Here's a perfect example.
It got so bad for this one that he hid in a hole.
But not for long! Amen!
Many of them should be held accountable for their aweful behavior in public. Every year we hear some really sad story about a little old lady getting her purse snatched by you know who...yep... Santa.
As a matter of fact here's the round up of just this weeks Snatching Sniveling Sorry Stank Santa's.
Is the REAL Santa in this lineup?
It all seems sooooo meaningless to me. Commercials, gimmee gimmee, take take take, give give give, to who? For what? Because why?
I think this Santa says it all.
Believe it or not... there is a beautiful ending to this madness.
There really IS an true S factor, come on back now, ya hear!
Merry CHRISTmas.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
The "S" factor continues
Is he real?
Does he really exist?
Is there more than just hope?
Can we remain child like all our lives?
I watched Miracle on 34th Street many times, and the ending is VERY convincing. It removes all doubt, doesn't it?
My question then becomes... "How does Santa get down the chimney?" I hear that Santa loves to eat, often. As a matter of fact, he eats till he's stuffed. just look at what all those cookies that kids leave out for him do to his insides...
Now, what if the chimneys around town are just tooooo small for the big guy?
Santa ends up like this.
I guess our "little" Santa will just be a little late this year. Oh well... put the coffee pot on please.
Hopefully Santa won't get too down on his situation. Life comes at ya kinda fast sometimes and causes some to get down on life. It could lead to drastic mood alterations and end up like this towards season's end...
Then what?
Is this the REAL Santa ?
We'll just have to wait till we return with more of...
The S factor.
Merry CHRISTmas.
Friday, December 7, 2007
The "Real" deal about CHRISTmas
So you've been reading Rob's blog about the X factor have you.
Well, I've been doing some of my own research and have found another remarkably sad situation that has become pretty intolerable.
I'll just call it the S Factor.
As a nice Jewish boy growing up in a 60's world, I thought Xmas or Christmas was all about Santa... AND trying to jealously take some of our glorious 8 days of presents known as Hanukkah. I mean hey, everywhere I went, Santa Santa Santa was plastered all over, store windows, TV commercials (he didn't have a sleigh...he rode an electric razor down the hill) magazine covers, plastic blow ups for your front lawn..... yep, it's all about Santa.
Is Santa real? Is he the REAL deal about CHRISTmas? I've gotten a little smarter since the 60's (Holy Spirit gets all over you if you're not careful.)
So, Let's see if you can figure out who is the real Santa. Go ahead and give it a try. T'is the season you know.
Is it 3 Wood Santa ?
Is it Tim the Toolman Santa ? (SC for short)
P.S. Isn't Toolman a Jewish name?
maybe it's Santa Pepe' ?
OR....Maybe it's Santa's helper named Relf ?
There's more to choose from... stay tuned to the S factor.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
"The Elf" has struck
from our "Elfs" to yours.
click here
The Merry Christmas season has now officially began.