So you've been reading Rob's blog about the X factor have you.
Well, I've been doing some of my own research and have found another remarkably sad situation that has become pretty intolerable.
I'll just call it the S Factor.
As a nice Jewish boy growing up in a 60's world, I thought Xmas or Christmas was all about Santa... AND trying to jealously take some of our glorious 8 days of presents known as Hanukkah. I mean hey, everywhere I went, Santa Santa Santa was plastered all over, store windows, TV commercials (he didn't have a sleigh...he rode an electric razor down the hill) magazine covers, plastic blow ups for your front lawn..... yep, it's all about Santa.
Is Santa real? Is he the REAL deal about CHRISTmas? I've gotten a little smarter since the 60's (Holy Spirit gets all over you if you're not careful.)
So, Let's see if you can figure out who is the real Santa. Go ahead and give it a try. T'is the season you know.

Is it 3 Wood Santa ?

Is it Tim the Toolman Santa ? (SC for short)
P.S. Isn't Toolman a Jewish name?
maybe it's Santa Pepe' ?

OR....Maybe it's Santa's helper named Relf ?
There's more to choose from... stay tuned to the S factor.