Monday, June 9, 2008

Join Theologica

Ok... So you like to read about theology. Sure you do, your reading this aren't you? Shoulda had a V8...

Besides Pastor Rob's blog (I read it every day and you should too by the way,) there are some really awesome blogs out there with a Sola Scriptura view of Authority: The belief that Scripture is the final and only infallible authority for the Christian in all matters of faith and practice.

A new blog which is more like an inter active website (Facebook type application) for theology is called "Theologica". It's put together thru Reclaiming The Mind Ministries who bring us The Theology Program, Theology Unplugged etc. (A bunch of theological rocket scientists who know more about The Father, Son and Holy Spirit on their little fingers than I'll ever be able to comprehend in a lifetime.) I hope that came across as a compliment???

Anyway, you are invited to check out Theologica by clicking this link.

You can even
Sign Up for Theologica by clicking this link.

We hope you will.