Sunday, January 13, 2008

Are Home Groups for me? (you) Part 2

Welcome back. I hope you had a great weekend.

In Part 2, we’ll take a look at what Jesus says about God’s plan for us while we are on this ball of mud called earth.

In John 17:11, Jesus says to God His Father, Now I am no longer in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to You. Holy Father, keep through Your name those whom You have given Me, that they may be one as We are.” ...WOW,,, Jesus just prayed to God the Father for you and I. Bill Donahue, who wrote “Building a Church of Small Groups says “The significance of this statement (prayer) cannot be over stated. Jesus is praying that His disciples – the men who for three years had disappointed Him, misunderstood Him and ultimately abandon Him (in other words, humans like you and me) would experience something amazing. WOW. Upside down MOM…scratch that, it doesn’t work here…

Ok, did you catch that? …”Be one as We are.” He's saying have the same experience and quality of relationship with each other as He had with God. Dude, that’s a huge WOW!

All throughout the Bible, Jesus and God via the Trinity;

· Encouraged each other

· Supported each other

· Loved each other

· Deferred to each other

· Glorified each other.

That’s what we (you) do in a Home Group…. Via the Trinity, Father-Son-Holy Spirit. True fellowship. Sharing and Living Life together. As Bill Easum says in “Go Big With Small Groups,” Not to mention you are building the largest pastoral care machine in existence.” The Greek word for fellowship is “koinonia” , which means, “putting good deposits in one another.” Like a “healthy” bank account, adding deposits, increase.

“Living Life Together” and watching Lives Change.

* * * * * * *

Next…....when we return…An Open Invitation…from Jesus


What are you doing next Sunday January 20th between 3pm and 8pm that you can’t cancel or put off till another time? Seriously!

Southbrook’s Connecting classes are Sunday January 20th. 3-8pm. 101, 201, 301, 401. Pastor Rob spoke about it at each service this weekend... and it didn't sound to me like he was asking if you'd like to come, he was telling you as your Pastor what you NEED to do next weekend....Please come and attend your next class. Learn, grow, become. “Love your God with all your mind.” So that your heart will be steady when challenged.

Peace out.