Does even the notion of being in a Home Group stir up a feeling of some sort down inside you?
Look at this…

Here’s the church

Here’s the steeple
Here in lies the problem. Tooooo many people. I don’t care if there are 50 people inside or 5000. It’s toooo many people for YOU to connect to and have a caring relationship with. In Andy Stnley and Bill Willit’s book, “Creating Community” they mention that we were created to be relational beings with varying relationship needs based on our wiring and temperaments; but the truth is none of us was meant to live ALONE.
That is not what God originally intended for us. Genesis 2:18 God says “It’s not good for man to live alone.” I believe that’s on the outside and the inside.
Look back up ↑ at the 3rd picture of all the people standing, by themselves IN the church.
See the difference? They are connected!
Caring for each other. Jesus talked about sheep a lot. They were the best example 2000 years ago of “Living Life Together.” Think about this,.. Sheep are never attacked in herds – they are attacked when isolated from the flock.
On a quick note…. Southbrook’s Connecting classes are Sunday January 20th. 3-8pm. 101, 201, 301, 401. Please come and attend your next class. Learn, grow, become. “Love your God with all your mind.” So that your heart will be steady when challenged.