It was a beautiful cloudy, breezy day on the hillside in Pescadero, CA. On the ride down the coast from Half Moon Bay, along Pacific Coast Highway, the gray waves were crashing on the shore line, seagulls drafting the wave tops. Local fishermen lined the beaches.
I thought I'd post my memorial service for those who could not make it.. I was honored and proud to be asked to facilitate.
Good afternoon.
First of all, I would like to welcome you and thank each and every one of you who have come out here today to celebrate Dany’s life. Most of all I want to thank you for being here to support Dany’s family. They will need you, and YOU will need each other more in the next few weeks and months than right now.
It’s an honor to stand in front of you and say a few parting words about my best friend in life. There are those of you who have known Dany since he was brought into this world, his father George, mother Margot, grandmother Mary, his sister and brother Andra and Shawn. Some of you have known him for a decade or 3, his wife Peggy, their son Bronson who is Dar’s and my godson, step daughter Rachel &her husband Chris and their children Ashley and Lauren. Then there are those who have known him since He and Peggy moved here to Pescadero and were drawn into their lives.
One month ago-everything was normal. At least as normal as Dany’s last 7 years have been since being diagnosed with Leukemia.
Today-things are anything but normal.
We’ve all experienced and will continue to experience a wide range of emotions: anger, sadness, grief, confusion, worry, joy …
We’ve lost a wonderful son, a loving husband, an amazing father, a loving brother, and a great friend.
Let’s Pray together…
Almighty Father, We come before you today knowing that you created us for a purpose beyond our understanding. We cannot discern this purpose by our own powers, but you created us to dwell with you in love for all eternity. I ask that you lift the hearts of all who are here and those that couldn’t make it here today but are here in spirit. Guide us by the light of your truth, and lead us to the eternal life you have prepared for us all thru Christ Jesus Amen.
I mentioned earlier at the funeral service that Dany and I go way back to the 8th grade, 1967, Ben Franklin Jr. High., which is not even as long as he has known Larry and Norman, who still remain at his side today. When I count on my hand the close friends I have, Dany always is the first finger. If I wasn’t sleeping over at Dany’s house at his moms, we were at his dad’s house in the city, staying up late watching Johnny Carson while Dany ate heavily salted popcorn, one-kernel-at-a-time, with a dill pickle and a glass of milk. He salted the popcorn to keep me from eating his. I don’t like salt.
We both had motorcycles, of course Dany had a funny looking Vespa, just like they rode around on in Italy and Greece. We would ride them to Ghirardelli Square with our guitars on our back, play music on the steps hoping to hear pocket change land in a hat… We’re still waiting.
When Jean Dixon would predict a major San Francisco earthquake, you know the one where California slides into the ocean and every one in Las Vegas now has ocean front property… we would get on our motorcycles, fill our backpacks with Molinari Salami, cheddar cheese and a fresh loaf of sourdough and go across the Golden Gate Bridge, hang a left , head atop Kirby Cove and wait. We figured either we had an awesome view of a huge disaster or a breath taking view thru the arches of the bridge of the city. Meanwhile, Dany was busy making new friends atop the hill.
In the early 70’s we both headed off to college, Dany went across to Oakland at College of Arts And Crafts and studied photography , film., and girls…
Og Mandino wrote in his book “Greatest Salesman in The World” I will live this day as if were my last… I will waste not a moment mourning yesterday’s misfortunes, yesterday’s defeats, yesterdays aches of the heart, for why should I throw good after bad?” This is how Dany chose to live his life.
He dreamt, visualized, created. Before anyone knew what video was or how to use it, he created M.V.P. Outfitting a self contained van full of video editing equipment and taking it all over the bay area. Today these vans are standard at every TV station in the world.
He produced product and training videos for companies like Chiron and Advanced Micro Devices before they were even at $2 a share. And he directed training videos for youth with MLB teams.
His dreams of building homes on horse property have come to life, even the Pescadero Creek can’t stop Dany.
Bronson who is now in college at Cal Poly, San Louis Obispo, played water polo in high school up in Half Moon Bay, Dany would not miss a game, not even with his air filter mask on.
Mostly Dany has always been a true friend to many, and awe are all witness to his faithfulness and love for his best friend and love of his life Peggy. She’s an angel sent from heaven. Dany has been blessed to be surrounded by all of Peggy’s brothers and sisters, daughter and son in law who have been a huge support for both Dany and Peggy. They are amazing.
Most of all, Dany was about family and tradition. And his BBQ ribs are one of them, the sauce is a secret handed down from Grandpa Walker, to George, to Dany, it’s a secret! (Talk about the night he passed it to Bronson just before he died.)
Today is our chance to say thank you Dany for the way you brightened our lives, even though God granted you but half a life. We will always feel cheated that you were taken from us so young and yet we must learn to be grateful in all you have given us while you were here.
Go in peace Dano. We love you bro.