I choose who to follow. what to follow, what to believe and what not to believe. I was raised a Jew, become atheist, wanderer for 45 years. It was empty. I grew up in the middle of the summer of love in San Francisco. Trust me, every one at the megaphone or microphone was making sense. I fell for their scientific-dope-smokin’-LSD trippin’ , BS excuses for “Do what you want” “It ain’t no bodies business but your own” “If it moves… hump it” "the center of the universe is your private parts." spiritual expression “Love-in’s”.
It was the beginning of a massive, world wide “High” speed train wreck. We’re still seeing the aimless bodies wandering, searching for love in all the wrong places.
Mom's, Dad's, Teach your children well. We don't just let your little ones just wander their way to school and find their class room, so why let them learn about sex and love by channel surfing and R rated movies?Here’s what I have come to find out about what makes God, God;
God has certain attributes, certain things that make God, God. A quality or characteristic of His very nature.
One of them is His simplicity. Having or composed of only one thing, element or part. Another word is “Simple”
All of creation has 3 elements;
Whenever you have space and matter, you have time. (Don’t fall asleep just yet)
The Greek language uses the words “Ex nihilo” or “Out of nothing.”
Ex nihilo or creation, means God created time as well. If God is beyond (before) time, anything that is outside of time is “Simple”. Therefore God is simple.
Space requires time – time requires space – matter requires both. They all require each other. Einstein found that you cannot have matter with out space or time. I wonder who or what gave him the ability to figure that out???)
Therefore, get this… If God is beyond time, then He is beyond space & matter as well.
“Something” or “Someone” is before time, matter or space.
That is what makes God, God. (thank you M.P. & R.D.)
“I’ve lost all faith in being an Atheist”
Wow…my fingers are sore