What a day. I SLEPT IN!!!!! Got up and took 1 hour to slowly drink my coffee (I added a bit of Hazelnut), cook a couple of fresh brown eggs with sharp cheddar cheese and some roasted garlic salsa, a multi seed bagel lightly toasted with a schmear (again….cream cheese). Then, I took my shower. Then, I did an hour of Bible study for my Tuesday night class on Humanity and Sin. VERY relaxing on a Sunday morning.
“Hey Jay…what in the _ _ _ _ are you doing home on “Church day?”
Now hit your big red “Easy” button.
Pastor Rob told me to! “Yea? Prove it buddy!... read this…. ½ way down the page . I double dog dare ya. Did you catch it??? I went to Saturday night services, stayed for the S.A.L.T meeting….. Then I SLEPT IN!!!!! You can too.
Tomorrow I’m off to
Oh, by the way before I forget, make sure to add a link from your blog or website to Pastor Rob’s blog.