Monday, September 24, 2007

Types of Theology

Back for more eh????? Ok…. Let’s continue then…

There are basically 6 areas or “arenas” of theology, and your reflection to others will hinge in here somewhere.

1. Tabloid Theology; based on naive hearsay (very little if any evidence) doubters, trashers, gossipers, rumor mills, “Christian” chain letters.)

2. Folk Theology; based on traditions or religious folklore (Santa; The Easter Bunny, the devil with horns and a red cape, the Pearly Gates, The DaVinci Code, the Jewish princess…maybe I’m wrong on this one… )

3. Lay Theology; is from a person with studied theological concepts, leery of unfounded traditions, uses study tools. (me)

4. Ministerial Theology; this is a more theologically educated person, can critique competing theologies, reflects more time to orthodoxy. (Some one like me but further along their pastoral path)

5. Professional Theology; Someone who makes a living espousing their theological thoughts… Pastor Rob for a good example and others. (be careful on this one… a lot of the time ego is attached they remind you of their titles & degrees.)

6. Academic Theology; This is all they do, countless big books are written by them and used world wide as study/research guides. Very critical and speculative. (Norm Geisler, Wayne Grudem, R.C. Sproul. great theologians of our time)

SO….. where do you fit in these arenas?

Are you where you want to be? Are you reading/listening to the theology that accurately reflects God, Christ, The Holy Spirit in your life? Or do you spend too much time filling yourself with the first two?

Your reflection to others will hinge in here somewhere. Be careful while reflecting.

The Triple Dog Dare is now in effect….. Any Comments???