Why do bad things happen to good people??? They both left behind families, small groups, never got to be grand pa’s, or see next weeks game, etc.
God has a perfect plan, lightning strikes in the forest, trees, burn, and new life begins, more abundant, and some times that happens with us. Then it happens again, click this…..
All told….. 211 people in that month gave their lives over to Jesus, new growth, more abundant…. then it starts a wave…. in past weeks the numbers have grown to almost 300…. with 49 just this past weekend hit this…..
so… Why do bad things happen to good people??? I’m not sure, and I don’t know who can really answer that question, I’ve read some great believers articles on it, the best is… I have seen His hand in the glory. “I know there is a pony in here somewhere!”
In His awe, Jay