Have you ever been in a conversation with a really smart person (according to them…), yet they are clueless to reality? It’s like they have no problem taking the “High road”, by climbing up a tree so they can talk down to you with their “knowledge”, while walking out on a limb and profess their “brilliance” from high above, in the meanwhile they are just plain busy sawing off the limb they stand on with “feel good” theory.
That is what Postmodernism does.
Postmodernism was born in the 60’s. California - New York, from sea to shining sea shouts and signs proclaiming “God is dead” “To each his own” “Free love” “Smoke this and you’ll see God” “It’s my body” “Your truth may not be my truth” ….. you get it. I grew up in the heart of it all in
Charles Colson wrote this about Postmodernism…
“In Postmodernism, there is no objective, universal truth; there is only the perspective of the group. . . . In postmodernism, all viewpoints, all lifestyles, all beliefs and behaviors are regarded as equally valid. . . . Tolerance has become so important that no exception is tolerated.”
How Now Shall We Live?
Did you catch the last sentence? You must tolerate NO tolerance.
Southbrook’s latest series on “Planet Earth” has all been a returning to what God intended for us as human’s. The opposite of postmodernism.
Coming up next??? A few Questions to ponder;
1. What does this have to do with our Christian beliefs?
2. Is all truth relative? (Not the same as do we invite all our relatives over)
3. How would we tolerate an 11th commandment “Thou shall tolerate everything.”?
4. Was John Lennon on to something? “Give peace a chance!”