Monday, December 31, 2007

2008 – Who will you become?

About A.D. 64, Apostle Paul wrote a letter to his dear friend and missionary Titus. After Paul’s first Roman imprisonment, he and Titus worked briefly in Crete, after which Paul commissioned Titus to remain there as his representative and complete some needed work. Paul wrote Titus to give him personal authorization and guidance in meeting opposition, instructions about faith and conduct and warnings about false teachers.

Here we are, 1900+ years later.

What’s changed?

Who are you?

What or who will you become in 2008?

I think you’ll find the letter to Titus very interesting. Look just after 2Timothy and before Hebrews. It’s only 2 and ½ pages long. 1207 words. 3 chapters. Had I turned a college paper in of this size, I would have undoubtedly gotten a big fat “F” with “Where’s the rest?” written on it! Probably proves once again that I’m NOT Apostle material. Go figure…

To me, Chapter 3 really puts the rubber to the road. (Sandals have tire treads on them you know…) It’s called “Doing What Is Good” Here are a few ways to become “Good” in 2008, not according to me but according to God’s Word.

“They must not slander anyone and must avoid quarreling. Instead, they should be gentle and show true humility to everyone.”

** “Do not get involved in foolish discussions about spiritual pedigrees or in quarrels and fights about obedience to Jewish laws. These things are useless and a waste of time..” In other words….don’t sweat the small stuff. (my input...)

** “When God our Savior revealed his kindness and love, he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit.”

Chapter 2 also has a most important message for us as we begin yet another year…

“And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of every kind. Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriousness of your teaching. Teach the truth so that your teaching can’t be criticized. Then those who oppose us will be ashamed and have nothing bad to say about us.”

Happy New Year. Become excellent at “Doing What Is Good” in 2008

Paul finished his letter with “May God’s grace be with you all.”

1 more thing....... read Rob's blog daily.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

...and goodnight !




over joyed,

my smile is stuck in greeting mode !

175 new believers this week!!! (click here)

To all the First Impressions Team volunteers at Southbrook...

"Ya'll rock"



Merry CHRISTmas

Friday, December 21, 2007

Getting closer

We're running out of time....


Saturday, December 15, 2007

The S factor concludes for eternity.

We last saw Santa flat out on his kiester. Out of luck, out of wisdom, and in great need of grace.

Boy does that sound like Society as a whole.

Every one this time of year is hitting the stores Shopping for Stuff. Looking to find the best present which gives “The biggest bank for the buck.” Trying to do the most good because the “Payoff” is hopefully gonna last till next year.

Is there real everlasting Salvation with this Santa?

Do we give to give? Do we give to get? Proverbs 11:24-25 says “by watering others, he waters himself.” If we’re not careful with how we view this Salvation thing, we could end up raising our hands in agreement with Satin, read more about this nasty opportunity here at my really good friend Pastor Rob’s blog.

Salvation. Where does it come from.

First of all, let me be perfectly clear, It does NOT come from doing good works alone.

Notice I did not say good works. I said good works alone. Give give give, help help help till the cows come home. Amen. But that will NOT bring you eternal Salvation. PERIOD

John 3:3 say “In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.

Even Santa understands this. Read Romans 14:11

“It is written 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me, every tongue will confess to God.'”

Salvation only comes from asking Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior. By Simply telling Him that you have Slipped in err, and want Him to Save you from eternal hell.

So here’s the bad news…It’s YOUR choice…

Here’s the GOOD news…It’s YOUR choice. Not to choose is to choose bad news.





THIS is the REAL S factor.

If you want to know more, or have questions, comment back.

Merry CHRISTmas.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The "S" factor, Part III

This Santa guy seems to have a corner on the market that not only keeps him busy as a beaver the busy whole month of December. He's a really cool cat this Santa...

Not only have I seen him "On the street" as we saw a few days ago, but a good friend of mine (who'll we'll keep anonymous) saw him at a kereoke bar belting out songs about a red nosed "dear" friend of his.

I'm thinking that it's really John Belushi in a Santa disguise...

There should be a bounty on these guys for impersonating the real Santa. Especially ones who don't even shell out the $37.82 rental fee for the red suit and fake beard. Here's a perfect example.

It got so bad for this one that he hid in a hole.

But not for long! Amen!

Many of them should be held accountable for their aweful behavior in public. Every year we hear some really sad story about a little old lady getting her purse snatched by you know who...yep... Santa.

As a matter of fact here's the round up of just this weeks Snatching Sniveling Sorry Stank Santa's.

Is the REAL Santa in this lineup?

It all seems sooooo meaningless to me. Commercials, gimmee gimmee, take take take, give give give, to who? For what? Because why?

I think this Santa says it all.

Believe it or not... there is a beautiful ending to this madness.

There really IS an true S factor, come on back now, ya hear!

Merry CHRISTmas.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

The "S" factor continues

What is it about Santa that keeps us coming back?

Is he real?

Does he really exist?

Is there more than just hope?

Can we remain child like all our lives?

I watched Miracle on 34th Street many times, and the ending is VERY convincing. It removes all doubt, doesn't it?

My question then becomes... "How does Santa get down the chimney?" I hear that Santa loves to eat, often. As a matter of fact, he eats till he's stuffed. just look at what all those cookies that kids leave out for him do to his insides...

Now, what if the chimneys around town are just tooooo small for the big guy?

Santa ends up like this.

I guess our "little" Santa will just be a little late this year. Oh well... put the coffee pot on please.

Hopefully Santa won't get too down on his situation. Life comes at ya kinda fast sometimes and causes some to get down on life. It could lead to drastic mood alterations and end up like this towards season's end...

Then what?

Is this the REAL Santa ?

We'll just have to wait till we return with more of...

The S factor.

Merry CHRISTmas.

Friday, December 7, 2007

The "Real" deal about CHRISTmas


So you've been reading Rob's blog about the X factor have you.

Well, I've been doing some of my own research and have found another remarkably sad situation that has become pretty intolerable.

I'll just call it the S Factor.

As a nice Jewish boy growing up in a 60's world, I thought Xmas or Christmas was all about Santa... AND trying to jealously take some of our glorious 8 days of presents known as Hanukkah. I mean hey, everywhere I went, Santa Santa Santa was plastered all over, store windows, TV commercials (he didn't have a sleigh...he rode an electric razor down the hill) magazine covers, plastic blow ups for your front lawn..... yep, it's all about Santa.

Is Santa real? Is he the REAL deal about CHRISTmas? I've gotten a little smarter since the 60's (Holy Spirit gets all over you if you're not careful.)

So, Let's see if you can figure out who is the real Santa. Go ahead and give it a try. T'is the season you know.

Is it 3 Wood Santa ?

Is it Tim the Toolman Santa ? (SC for short)
P.S. Isn't Toolman a Jewish name?

maybe it's Santa Pepe' ?

OR....Maybe it's Santa's helper named Relf ?

There's more to choose from... stay tuned to the S factor.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

"The Elf" has struck

Here is a Family Christmas message

from our "Elfs" to yours.

click here

The Merry Christmas season has now officially began.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

My Read On Life

A past mentor of mine, who has helped over 2000 people come to know The Lord over the past 30 years said to me, "Your life direction will will lean towards the 5 people you spend the most time with and the books you read."

Think about it... who do you hang with and look up to and what books are you reading.

My current read is "Creating Community" by Andy Stanley and Bill Willits. It's about Creating a small group culture with in a church.

Here is my favorite quote so far...In John 17:20-21 Jesus says
"My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me."
Andy says, that it's as if Jesus is saying that unbelievers are just waiting to believe, but the question is, Will they see us relating in this magnetic, irresistible way?

This is what the community of small groups create. Are you hanging with one?

Blessings, Jay

Saturday, November 24, 2007


Imagine (if you can...) being able to live UNafraid... Wow.... the possibilities, the options.

What would you do if you weren't afraid? How different would you live your life?

The Apostle Paul teaches in 2Timothy 1:7 that "For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, of love and a sound mind."

SO... what does that mean for us? Southbrook's own own Lysa TerKeurst, of Proverbs 31 Ministries spoke to us this weekend. It was awesome and power/FULL.

My favorite quote was, "God is sovereign, even when His answers are NO." That blew- me- away!

Thank you Lysa!! For increasing our lives thru God's power and love.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Upcomming Home Groups Project

Hello Home Group Leaders!

Happy Thanksgiving to all your families and extended families. I hope your dinner table is “Thank/FULL” of good food and love.

We are driving up to Richmond, VA Thursday, to be with family. Before we leave, we have prepared a turkey for the homeless men in the Charlotte area. We are so “Thank/FULL” that God has given us the ability to help others in need.

As Pastor Rob mentioned in this past weekend’s “Thank/FULL” service, by the time the Thanksgiving dinner is over and done, and we have given “Thanks” for all God has given us, the table is taken down… the Christmas lights and decorations go up. Hopefully, our spirits go up as well in the excitement of the Christmas season.

Sadly, not everyone’s spirits go up. For some, it’s a time of frustration, bitterness, and loneliness.

As Southbrook’s new Director of Home Groups, I am very pleased to announce that this Christmas season, Southbrook Church has partnered with Angel Tree, and Prison Fellowship. Since 1982, Angel Tree along with Prison Fellowship, have partnered with churches and volunteers around the country to minister to the children of prisoners and their families. Celebrating 25 years of building confidence, healing wounds, and changing lives through the love of Christ.

This is a great opportunity for ALL home groups to continue the “Thank/FULL” giving in our communities. It will also be a great opportunity for the many Southbrook members who are not yet in a home group to become involved in helping less fortunate families this Christmas, and see how home groups should be and could be a part of their Christian life too, “Living Life Together.”

We have all the material and information needed to make this Angle Tree program a success. All we need from you is 1 hour of your time to learn about this wonderful program and touch lives. Your Southbrook Pastors are excited and committed to the success of this program.

Our plan is to have each home group sponsor a family, find out their needs, gather the gifts, take them to the families before Christmas and most importantly, share the greatest gift of all, “The Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

I want to get together with ALL of you, either as a group of leaders or individually so we can get this rockin’. Yes I know we’re all very busy with the Christmas season rapidly approaching, PLEASE think about the children and parents during a season of frustration, bitterness, and loneliness, and their need for Jesus in their lives.

In His “Thank/FULL” love and service;


Sunday, November 18, 2007

Thank/FULL Quotes

Wow!! What an amazing service this weekend at Southbrook!

I can't wait to hear how many bags of food we collected and sent off to feed the hungry and hurting in the Charlotte area.

Here are a few quotes from Rob this weekend.

*** Hebrew's... "With out faith it's impossible to please God."

*** "Many see their need to pray...but don't see the need for praise."

*** "God's power is not released until you step out in faith."

Friday, November 16, 2007

A Few Of My Favorite Things

Imagine with me; Cool clear night, the fire is crackling out on the back deck in the fire pit, each chair has a blanket, you’ve invited some friends over for hot chocolate and conversation. Everyone’s cheerful, mingling, and laughing.

Are ya getting the picture, can ya smell the fire, hear the chatter?

Fall is an awesome time of year for gathering and sharing. Doing community. Talking about our lives being lifted by Jesus.

Usually, I like to start the group conversation with an “Ice Breaker.” And one of my favorite ice breakers is simply “What are a few of your favorite things?” It’s a great subject because there is no wrong answer, so everyone’s comfortable.

Here are a few of my Fave’s ;

-Any kind of coffee ice cream

-Helping others

-The God Father movies (protecting the family)

-Cooking (mostly I like the prep work)

-Star Wars movies (evil only wins if you let it)

-Reading Rob’s blog (no kidding)

Why would I mention Rob’s blog? Because God’s kingdom is important to me, and just like sitting around the fire and learning about others and growing in Christ together is important to us, so is getting the word out about Rob’s blog so others can hear about God’s kingdom and how important it is to Rob. He has about 1000 readers a day and that’s WAY TOO FEW.

So, what can you do? Glad you asked! Make Rob’s blog one of your favorites with Technorati by following these few steps;

1. Log on to Technorati here

2. If you don’t have an account create one (It’s free and no spam)

3. Click on the Favorites tab at the top of the page

4. Add a Favorite URL

5. Click Add.

Or....Just click on the "Add this blog to my Technorati Favorites" button just below the Singleton family picture.

That’s it…..simple. It’s not for Rob…. It’s for God’s kingdom.


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Hair ???

Have you been following Rob’s message on hair? Read it here…


How is it that we have ended up in hair blog world?

My cat leaves hair balls here and there, mostly over there… and over there.

I leave hair blobs all over the bathroom. (The top of my head is proof)

Check these pix out of me……

1954 NO hair.

1957 Still no hair…

1972 Long hair, chops,

flat stomach, wide belt.

1984 Duck hair.

2007 Aged hair & ButtPaste

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Congratulations Kati and Sara Scott !

WOW !!!

Pastor Rob announced this yesterday!!!. Read about it here.

Youth Commission International had it’s annual Battle of the Bands this past Saturday right here in Charlotte. Southbrook Church members Sara and Kati Scott took the all coveted

*** 1st place ! ***

They were backed up by part of Return Worship’s musicians Andy Cherry, Ryan York, Trenton Starnes and Joey Signa. Thanks guys for “Getting behind them!” Awesome job gang for doing what Southbrook does best… work together, help each other, For His glory.

Read here, more about Sara and Kati, and what this means for them.


Sara's interview and song will be played next Tuesday at 7:15am. 91.9FM (Charlotte area) or on the internet here. if you are not in the Charlotte area.

Tuesday 7:15am (give or take 3 minutes)

Right AFTER the interview…… Hammer with emails and phone calls 704-841-4646 or 704-821-9293 REQUESTING

“Your Love does no Wrong”

by Sara & Kati Scott.

Get the word out!

Try to tune in from 7-7:30am

1 Vision 1 Church 1 Team

I love this church !

Friday, November 9, 2007

Thoughts on a fall Friday…

It’s been a great week. God is really testing my will, my desires, and my humbleness.

We have a lot to be Thank Full for.

Mostly I’m Thank Full that Pastor Rob has been able to put several of Southbrook’s Urban Legends to rest.

There is much excitement underway at Southbrook to spend time on. Remember, IF you are able to get 6 hours a night sleeping, 8 hours at work, another hour getting there and back, 2 hours eating your 3 meals, then you only have 420 minutes left in a day to spend with family and God. WHY would you want to waste it on Urban Legends? Wouldn’t you rather take the time and thank God for ALL that you are Thank Full for?

I bet it would take more than 420 minutes if you really thanked Him for everything He has done for you.

Here it is TGIF …. Yippie!

Here is a fun way to relax and take a 6 minute break. Click here…

C ya.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Do miracles still occur today?

Read this and decide for yourself

Don't read on until you finish reading the link above.

Mark 10:27 says “Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God."

Kelly Spinney… YOU ARE AWESOME!

Jen Murray…. You are a great example of a “Home group” leader, and a great friend to all who know you.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Pastor Appreciation Weekend

This is so awesome. Clayton King is going to be teaching here this weekend at Southbrook about Pastor Appreciation.

This is gonna be cool… not only do we get to hear from Clayton… but we will receive a better understanding of HOW MUCH our pastors here at Southbrook REALLY DO for us and God’s kingdom.

Here are a few photos of our some of our great pastors here at Southbrook.

This last photo was taken at “Unleash 07”. Pastor Perry Noble had us all lay hands on our Lead Pastor and pray for them.

Weren’t there??? Go ahead… no one’s looking… put your hands on the screen and lay hands on Pastor Rob and pray for him.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Confessions of a “PWB” Part 2

This confessing stuff is fun. Kind of like taking my weekly bath whether I like it or not, it’s good for me and every one around me. Let's hear an "Amen" to that one.

Now, fast forward to 1971, my senior year and I’m back in San Francisco and back in public school. (yea… no more oh -6-15 marching!) Senior English and I just want this over with. Can it get any worse? We have to read ANY book we CHOOSE, then do a 2 page review for a final grade, twooooo pages? You’re killing me! worth 50% of our year…ouch. Now let me see… what book did I choose? “The Fountainhead?”, “Of Mice and Men”, “Beowulf?” nope… Get this… “Lord of the Flies.” No way you idiot, Jay you’re a glutton for punishment.” Folks, watch this, watch this…. The MOVIE was now out in theatres. (proof that God loves me!) Did I read the book? Yea, right, I already told you I’m slow, NOT stupid. Now I’m pointed in the right direction, "full speed ahead." Yep! You figured it out, I managed an A on my paper. Confetti falling from the ceiling, balloons releasing from big overhead arches, the band playing “Glory, Glory Hallelujah” I am teachable!

Aren’t you??? I’m sure you are. On the Podcast you listened to last night (you did CHOOSE to listen didn’t you?) Pastor Rob talked about Our Purpose here at Southbrook …read it here… the 5 G’s , Glorify, Give, Go, Grow, Gather.

Grow is what this is all about. “If you not growing, you’re dying.” This is where YOU get to CHOOSE. And trust me, NOT CHOOSING is choosing… to die. So, belly up to the spiritual buffet, and eat all you can, save room for desert.

Clayton King wrote to us here that we must be careful about what we eat. You do not want to become the “Feed me Fat Man”, but it is your responsibility to CHOOSE to “eat” God’s Word on your own. mangiare.”

Confession #2;

I absolutely love my wife Dar more that anyone else on the planet…period. She is amazing. She makes me tingle. She makes me laugh. She makes me understand God’s grace. She was the single most (non-pushy) influence in helping me CHOOSE Jesus. (more proof that God loves me!)

By the way… My good friend Mark C. ( I’ll leave it at C because it’s easier to spell) has this to say about “Spiritual food.” Fantastica Marco!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Confessions of a “PWB”

James 5:16 says to “Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other…” read the rest here, it’s worth the 30 seconds!

So, here goes…Confessions of a Pastor Wanna Be…remember… don’t tell any one else, that’s gossip.

Confession #1:
I’m a slow learner.

Really? That’s it? You made me hang around for that?
Pssst.. hey Jay, we already knew that.

Ha Ha, beat ya to it, I already knew that you knew.
What you didn’t know, is how I came to know that I’m a slow learner.

1968, 9th grade. I was sent off to Military School in Portsmouth, Virginia. Come on and sing along...” Bad boy, bad boy, whatcha gonna do?” Freshman English…yuck. We HAD to read “Lord of the Flies.” Can we hear another “Yuck!” I got an F on my review paper and totally flunked English. (no kidding?)

I came back home to San Francisco for the summer, smack in the middle of the “Peace movement, and Summer of Love.” My mom MADE ME retake Freshman English in summer school. 1-2-3 “Yuck” . We were given the CHOICE to read 1 of 5 books the teacher held up. “Lord of the Flies” was one of them. “Yuck, but check this out…” By now “Cliff” notes were available and so off I went, flies book in hand, “Cliff” notes too. Did I read the book? No way Jose, just the “cliff” notes. I’m slow, not stupid. I pulled off a C- on my review paper… summer over, back to Virginia and on to the 10th grade. I’m good.

Military school taught me how to study, have self discipline, but most of all they taught me self worth.

So….. why are you confessing this to us? There IS a point. You’re slow Jay. We already know, nothing new here... I know I know.

The point is this; there are some of you who too are slow learners and THAT”S OK! Don’t stop learning. Make a CHOICE. If I can learn, then surely you can. Right now Pastor Rob is blogging on Urban Legends of Southbrook, and my favorite one so far is “Rob just doesn’t go very deep in his sermons.” What I see here is “Failure to Learn.” Read what I’m talking about here… go ahead and make a CHOICE to read it.

Now if that ruffled your feathers, (and I don't mean to) then there is yet another opportunity to hear Rob “go Deep” and it’s FREE. iTunes is FREE and so are the Podcasts from Southbrook. Make a CHOICE, Listen to the October 1st, 2007 message titled “Return Worship Weekend”. The 11 minute teaching just doesn’t get much deeper than this.

Since all the reading and listening will take a while, I’ll give you till tomorrow. My senior year gets even better! We’ll continue later.


Sunday, October 28, 2007

Can you say “Haggai?”

Well… what a fantastic culmination to a 4 week series IGNITE.

A very challenging series.

And a very much needed series.

What was needed??? More talk about money? More talk about tithing? More talk about giving?

Rob said that the book of Haggai gave us the very clue as to what was needed. We were even given a hint as where to find Haggai. “Go to the book of Matthew, turn left, then make 2 more lefts.”

Haggai 1:4 says this “Why are you living in luxurious houses while my house lies in ruins?”

The commentary goes on to talk about it this way… “They neglected the building of God's house, that they might have more time and money for worldly affairs. That the punishment might answer to the sin, the poverty they thought to prevent by not building the temple, God brought upon them for not building it.”

The commentary continues with, “Sin is what we must answer for; duty is what we must do.”

So… What was needed??? Us. Us to come together and be 1 Southbrook heart, 1 South family. How did we do??? Teams, many many Teams working together for 1 cause, to build His house so we can expand His kingdom.

And work together they did! The Worship teams put the stage together, helped with home groups. Staff and First Impressions Teams got together for chairs set up. Another Home group went to get the shuttle vans and return them when all was over. Everyone under the tent came together with the First Impressions team and restacked chairs after service was over. More Teams got together and tore down the stage. The tent was cleared out of all but the chairs with in 2 hours. Over 40 people signed up to demolish and rebuild the new "Monroe Campus.”

That is what was needed. Coming together to build God’s house. Prepare for the future. Look at these pictures.

Thank you for ALL who gave of their time. Part of your reward was seeing 30 people give everything today. They gave their life to Jesus Christ. It was worth it.

1 Vision 1 Church 1 Service 1 Team.

I hope our Heavenly Father is pleased with us today

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Should Christian’s Celebrate Halloween?

This question was asked yesterday amongst theology students. You can imagine the deeeeeep answers.

“”[Warning: bad satire forthcoming]

No! The best way to tell your neighbors about your love for Christ and little children is to make sure that Halloween night your porch light is the only light on your block that is not shinning. This will communicate “Go away! We are too religious to invite you on this night because this particular night belongs to Satan. We are really, really scared of this night. It is very possible that the God who loves us and who’s grace is beyond our comprehension will punish us ever so severely if we give candy to little children thereby endorsing demonology and satanism.”
Or you could be somewhat liberal and leave your porch light on and give out tracts. Sure, you can give them a single Jolly-Rancher with the tract. But if you give away good candy, like full candy bars, the kids on your block will think you are the most generous person on the block.

While this might seem good at first, later in their life they will draw the connection between your rebellious, hypocritical generosity when they were young and your “profession” of Christ now. They will see right through you knowing that if you really loved Christ, you would have either left your porch light off or simply given a Jolly-Rancher with a tract.
Hope this helps you prepare.””

Here now is MY reply…

I’m not sure I agree with you on this one…

Let’s change the event and test it thru God’s love for everyone. “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.”

Thanksgiving for example. Totally a U.S. celebration. Huge meals in our homes. But don’t many many good Christ like churches serve the homeless Thanksgiving meals? Should they NOT give food to the NON US citizens in line? Should we turn the light off on them? Isn’t the light on your porch God’s light reflecting? When did Jesus say “Stay away”?

Back to Halloween… I’ve never let our kids dress up in satanic clothing but cute little princesses? Spiderman? Batman? sure. They want to participate with all their friends. If you tell them “NO, you’re a Christian you can’t participate, you won’t be a good witness” Isn’t it the same as telling a Christian believing teenager they can’t have Mohawks and pierced lips because “you won’t be a good witness”. I watch these “Different” teens reach out to their lost “Different” friends and win them over to Christ because they kept the porch light on for them.

Sure, it’s back to the tolerate tolerance thing, but “Stay away” doesn’t seem very Christ like to me.

Comment back with what you think.


Friday, October 26, 2007

Protect Your Pastor… here’s what I mean

This morning I already posted a blog on Halloween.

A bit later as I was ironing shirts for both Dar and I. I was listening to my Podcast’s like I mentioned a few weeks ago. This particular podcast was from NewSpring Church.

Clayton King was speaking there as he also does here at Southbrook as an Itinerant Teaching Pastor, click on his name at the bottom. He was delivering eye-opening message on protecting your pastor and the distinct challenges pastors face everyday.

This message made my heart stir so much, I decided to pull down my Halloween post and put this one immediately. Why? Because it’s important to let Pastor Rob know “I’ve got your back.” Rob knows this, I tell him all the time and I mean it. I’m just claiming it publicly with tenacity.

What should you do?

First of all, download this message from iTunes. (iPod NOT required) NewSpring Church (Perry Noble).
It is listed as “Game time – Protecting your pastor” 10/14/07




Listen… If you too have Rob’s back…. Proclaim it here via a comment.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Battle of the Bands

This Saturday, October 27th at The Passage at Central Church of God. 5301 Sardis Rd Charlotte, NC 28270. Doors open at 5pm, competition begins at 5:45 ends at 9:15. Tickets are $8 at the door, $6 in advance.

The band is Sara Scott, Kati Scott, Andy Cherry, Ryan York, Trenton Starnes and Joey Signa. Otherwise known as Return Worship Band From Southbrook. Audience vote matters quite a bit, so the more people there to support the band the better. You can purchase extra votes, too. The cafe will be open downstairs with your basic fast food type of stuff and there will be giveaways throughout the night.

Sara submitted the song "Your Love Does No Wrong" on the Return CD and won a slot in this Saturday’s event.

It's gonna be awesome!!!!! Return's website is listed on my blog roll to the left.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Follow, follow, follow, follow,

There I was, right in the middle of San Francisco, staring at Grace Cathedral. Now this is a BIG, old (1849), stately church building. Climbing up the steps to the entrance made me feel like an out of shape Rocky. (ya really gotta wanna go to church here…or be in better shape).

It’s an Episcopal church. Now here’s their statement, “Courageously embraces innovation and ‘open-minded’ conversation…where beliefs are put into action…” next statement says… “The cathedral performs services blessing same-sex unions.”

We're off to see the Wizard, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.”

Just like Pastor Rob said in this recient blog…. “I’m not surprised. In a politically correct, tolerant, anti-Christian, truth is relative kind of climate,”

Now take a moment and look at the picture below.

This is the labyrinth outside in the courtyard at Grace cathedral. It’s fun, cool, like a game, very soooooothing for meditation, very frustrating for someone looking for the answer and not even knowing where to start. So what do the lookers do, the un-labyrinthed, the lost do???

Follow, follow, follow, follow,


Becoz, becoz, becoz, becoz, becoz……

Interesting? I thought so.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

An Amazing Weekend !

This undoubtedly was a GREAT weekend.

Friday night was Sushi with wonderful friends from Southbrook. Real Japanese food right here in North Carolina. Home made Sushi, real gooey, squishy, sticky Japanese deserts. Funny life stories were shared by everyone.

On Saturday I spent some time with a great couple whose lives are
totally IGNITED and melted in God’s Word, who are pursuing Christ over comfort ....Dean and Chris Hogan. They are a true gift to all of us! Thank you for all your family does!

Saturday night… Pastor Rob hit us with a “Pop Quiz”.

Now don’t go saying that I haven’t warned you. Remember? “God WILL test you”

I just didn’t think it would be this early in life.
Big ouch if you’re not prepared and practiced.

Here’s is “Pop Quiz” question #1 …
“What are doing with what God has given you?”

Pssssstt…. Rob told me where the answer can be found….
Read it here in Luke 19:26 then come back.

Did ya get it? This is how Rob put the answer… “Those who do nothing will be cursed.”

Now here’s is “Pop Quiz” question #2 …
“Do you trust God unreservedly?"

The answer? Only YOU hold that in our heart. Are you putting God 1st in ALL of you life? Or - Why are you giving God the leftovers?

Worship leader
Andy Cherry who is going to be the Worship Pastor for our Monroe campus this weekend said “I love the song ‘How great is our God, but have you thought about making it a question? How great IS our God?” Wow. Thanks Andy!

God answered that question tonight at sunset.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The “5 W’s”… Last installment

When I started this series,

I said that Our Father in heaven gives homework each and every week, just like when your teachers did, because He is our teacher. He gives us an opportunity to listen to Him and His Word every week, every day, any hour.

“The 5 W’s” are a way to prepare your answers so you can get a good grade.

You WILL be tested!!! It won’t be time for more questions. Study period is over. The lab’s are closed. No more late assignments accepted. Done.

You won’t e able to say… ”Hey God, Campaigns are stupid. Will we be doing any of those up here?” Or “hey God, Aren’t we fine the way we are up here, at the size we are, you know just You and ME bro, you know…private time with You? WHY is everything always about bigger, more, etc? You’re too into numbers God and anyway I need a really perfect seat up here. You know WHY God, because I really deserve it, You know all I’ve done.”

Southbrook is at it’s max capacity. The reason is because it is one of the best places to get to know God and learn how to have a relationship with Him in the Charlotte area.

Rob said this recently about capacity, ““Our space capacity is directly influenced by our faith capacity!” read it here…

It’s just like the San Francisco Cable Cars,

They are overflowing, full to capacity and even the kids can’t fit inside.

WHY wouldn’t you want everyone to be able to have an opportunity to ride?

This is what capitol campaigns are for. So everyone can have a seat thru the uphill’s and the downhill’s of life along their travel’s. The “regular” riders need not hog the seats and should let the folks who don’t have a ride have an opportunity to come along.

It doesn’t matter which church you go to… They will be starting a campaign there too. You can run but you can’t hide. God IS WINNING, are you going to help Him? It’s time for you to grow.

I’ll close with this thought.

WHO are you listening to?

WHAT are you hearing from God?

WHEN are you listening to Him?

WHERE do you listen to God speak to you?

WHY wouldn’t you want everyone to be able to have an opportunity to ride? Right here, right now at Southbrook.

You WILL be tested.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Thoughts about this week…

This was an awesome week to be alive.

It was our 20th wedding anniversary!! What a

blessing to be married to Darlene!!! It just

proves that you must be careful in what you pray

for, He will give it to you! Amen

Tuesday night I made her dinner at home for the 2

of us. Fillet of Dover Sole, cooked in a butter/garlic/

white wine sauce, topped with capers, then “BAM”

a good dash of fresh ground pepper.

Served by candle light. OOOhhh, she’s worth it.

Thursday I had lunch at the beach just north of Half

Moon Bay, near San Francisco. With my all time best

friend Dany and his dad George.

We ate at Nicks’- Rockaway Beach THE BEST Crab


Friday night, I took Dar out to a special Anniversary

Dinner in Uptown Charlotte at The Capitol Grill…

Amazing service, ambiance, plus my beautiful gift from

God, my wife. Answered prayers!!

Finally I got my butt IGNITED by Jesus (pronounced

Hey-seus) from Columbia.

He spoke this weekend at Southbrook Church.

He gave his life to God and God IGNITED a fire in his

heart. I spoke with him after Saturday night service and

he told me to read Psalms 42:1

Go ahead, read for yourself and feel the heat.

Thanks Rob for having him come and share with us. WOW.

Friday, October 12, 2007

“One Vision”

“One Vision”
 That’s what Pastor Rob is calling his leadership video.  
You need to watch this. Pray over the message.
Whether you come to Southbrook regularly, or just enjoy 
the web presence of Rob’s message via podcast…
WATCH THE VIDEO.   Click on the words below…
Then come on back and finish reading.
Welcome back!  WOW, what an awesome opportunity for
all of us!.

All of you can participate with your “Over and above”
contributions.  After all… It’s for the kingdom, not
I pray that your heart is on fire for God.